We have recently updated our event listings, please visit our What’s On page for more details about upcoming events.
This fall we have 12 week offerings of both Dykes Planning Tykes and Daddies & Papas 2B, as well as a weekend Queer & Trans Family Planning, in partnership with The 519.
We also have sessions with a family mediator on co-parenting agreements, and separation and divorce agreements and how mediation can help.

We have sessions of Pathways to Permanence 2, in partnership with the Adoption Council of Ontario. This program is specifically for adoptive and foster parents caring permanently for children who have experienced trauma and loss.

Kicking everything off in September, we’re happy to host a workshop “When Gender Boxes Don’t Fit: Talking with Children and Their Families About Gender Diversity” with Laurin Mayeno.
This is the first of our Fall Sunday workshops, and it’s a free workshop for LGBTQ and allied parents & caregivers and people who work with children and their families.
We encourage everyone to bring their favourite grandparent, caregiver, send the staff from your daycare or kids program, all are welcome!

Shebourne Health Centre’s SOY’s Sensational 17th Bowlathon is coming up in October on October 22. We hope you’ll join our team! Click on “sign up” and then add yourself to the team “LGBTQ Parenting Network”
The bowlathon is our main fundraising event of the year, and it makes so much of the vibrant youth centred programming that SOY offers possible.